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What is the best way to listen?

There is no best way to listen which will work for everyone - it largely comes down to personal choice and finding a method which fits your lifestyle. However, we do offer 3 main guidelines and ways to listen:

  1. Most commonly we recommend listening once per day, in a relaxed seating position.
  2. You can also listen while you work / exercise / drive / study etc. If listening like this the album should be repeated 2-3 times to get the same benefit, simply because you may miss some parts.
  3. Or lastly, you can listen while you sleep - many people repeat either the whole album on a lower volume, or just play the silent tracks while they sleep - with good results. Your subconscious mind is accessible while you sleep so the messages in our albums will still reach your mind.

As long as you can hear the ocean / nature sounds you will be benefiting from the subliminal sounds, so just use whichever method fits your lifestyle best.

How long will it take to work?

You will usually notice results within 2 weeks, but it may even be as fast as only 1 or 2 sessions. Any two people, even with the same subliminal messaging album, will always experience a difference in the quantity and speed of changes and benefits they encounter.

Furthermore, some of our albums address deeper issues (some of our personal development titles for example) and they will generally take longer before you see results - this is due to the fact they may be dealing with deep-rooted psychological issues or behavior that you have conditioned yourself into over many years.

Can I listen to multiple albums at once?

Yes you can, however, if you are new to subliminal messaging we recommend that you stick to using just one or two albums per day. This will let you see exactly how subliminal messaging works for you personally.

Once you have some experience and know what to expect, then it is largely down to personal preference. We give a general guideline of listening to related albums together to create a focus on a specific area within your mind. However, this again comes down to personal preference and a degree of experimentation may be required to find the right mix for you. Some people play several albums after each other on different subject areas and achieve excellent results, other people simply use one album for a week or two on its own and then move on to another.

There is no right, wrong or best way to listen - everyone is different so you need to find out what works best for you personally.

Tell me more about the silent track

The 4th track on each album is completely silent, i.e. it does not contain any ocean / rainfall sound. However, it still contains the same powerful subliminal messages

This track contains the key subliminal messages from the first 3 tracks - but not all of them - so it is still recommended to listen to the first three tracks and not only the 4th track.

We designed the 4th track so you can listen to our subliminal messages anywhere, anytime, without being distracted. Many of our customers play this track as they sleep, or leave it on while they work during the day.

Is it Safe? Is it safe for children?

Yes, it is completely safe - our subliminal learning MP3s and CDs will NEVER do you any harm.

We only use positive suggestions on our albums, they will never encourage any negative behavior and they are completely safe for use by adults and children alike.

What is the script for the free Deep Calm album?

The messages contained in the Deep Calm album are: - I am calm - I am entering a deep inner state of calmness - I stay calm at all times - My body and mind are relaxed - I am always calm and relaxed - My physical body is relaxing - My tension is slipping away - My thoughts are slowing down - My mind is becoming calmer - My mind is calm and quiet - I feel totally relaxed - I am going deeper and deeper into my mind - I am surrounded by calming energy - I feel completely relaxed and at one