5 Ways Travel Affects Your Personality and Your Life

Traveling more is on a LOT of wish lists. It’s probably on yours too – I mean, what better way to escape everyday problems and to recharge your emotional batteries, right?

But if someone asked you why exactly you like to travel, you’d probably give some vague answer related to experiencing new things, meeting new people, seeing new places…

But none of them reflects the change travels – especially extended travels - make within you. That’s why we’re pretty sure this post will affect you deeper than you think :)

1. Travel DOES affect your personality

Hey, you’re outside of your comfort zone, how can it not affect you?

But scientifically speaking, there’s this psychological concept of the “Big Five”. It refers to the five dominant personality characteristics: openness, extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness and agreeableness.

Interacting with new people and immersing yourself in a new culture directly affect your openness personality trait, and, depending on your overall experience, it can affect the others as well.

These are lasting effects, in case you were wondering.

2. A new perspective on life

Each culture has its own set of values, and the most direct way to get to know what they are is to observe how people interact (and you really can’t escape that).

This makes you more aware of the culture you came from, and you stop taking things for granted. This can make you appreciate your roots more than you used to, but it can also make you question your culture’s ways and perhaps improve them, at least in your microenvironment.

In any case, you’re able to put things into perspective, and that’s something you can’t get if you stay in your hometown your entire life.

3. You’re more stable emotionally

When you’re stuck in a routine, day-to-day life, any change could cause unease – simply because you’re not used to them.

Travels require you to change a lot of things – from your eating and workout schedule to the above mentioned perspective. It helps you accept that deviating from your standard routine is nothing to be afraid of, so you lose, bit by bit, the angst and fear you were holding on to.

Living without regrets ? Travels are the best way to make that happen!

4. You develop a closer relationship with life

From speaking another language to getting around, you have no choice than to be hyper-aware of what’s going on around you.

That concept of mindfulness you’ve been trying to apply to your life – traveling leaves you no other option. You get more perceptive, your brain works stronger and faster, and, as no daydreaming is allowed, you simply have to live in the moment.

5. The chances of falling in love increase. Dramatically!

In this new surrounding you’re completely removed from your reality. No usual worries and responsibilities, and you’re totally allowed to reinvent yourself.

You’re relaxed, so life seems better, so you’re more open and more likely to give a chance to someone you’re hiking, exploring beaches and new cuisines with.

Outside of your comfort zone, falling in love is such a common occurrence.

Well, are you packing your bags already? :)
